
Thursday 28 May 2015

'Valley of Ancient Dreams'

This is my latest small painting/drawing of a 'shamanic' nature. These pictures show the way I like to work, which I describe as 'intuitive'. Despite the high degree of detail, it would be wrong to conclude that the drawing is planned or arranged in my mind beforehand. I prefer to allow images to arise spontaneously and for the picture to 'evolve' by itself, and find that the best way to achieve this effect is by working in great detail quite slowly.
Completed Drawing
  I began the drawing with a watercolour wash, with some drops of ink added while the paper was still wet.
fourth stage
Next, I spent time 'tuning in' to the markings on the paper, to see what images came to mind. The brown ink markings suggested Standing Stones to me, with a river running through, so I added the river colouring with watercolour paint. Then began work on the foreground using my pen and ink technique. It gradually became apparent that I was viewing the scene from an elevated the at this point I became aware of the Buzzards- three enjoying a circling dance in the clear dawn of a far off day in ancient times. Having become aware that it was dawn, I added yellow and pink colours to the sky area. The sky dots suggest thermals..and pathways in the sky as a reflection of the leys and pathways of the land..
third stage
  I used my Rotring technical pen for the black outlines and dots, and watercolour paint and gouache for the coloured areas.
second stage

First stage

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