
Saturday 29 April 2017

Meditation on 'Corot'

This illustration combines a number of my favourite things! I'm very fond of trees and equally fond of literature. This verse from 'Corot' by DH Lawrence speaks so wonderfully of the magic of trees..I've long been wanting to incorporate it into some artwork..
'Meditation on 'Corot''
'Ah listen, for silence is not lonely! Imitate the magnificent trees that speak no word of their rapture, but only breathe largely the luminous breeze.' DH Lawrence.

Watercolour painting 'Yar'

I've always loved birds, and really enjoy watching Crows and Ravens, which seem so full of character..
   This little fella popped out of the end of my paintbrush recently and said 'Yar'!
'Yar' watercolour with pen and ink

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Watercolour Painting 'Headless Jack'

This painting is of a quirky old tree growing in Sherwood Forest, which is home to many other quirky ancient trees, many of them Oaks like this one.
  I named this tree 'Headless Jack' for obvious reasons!
'Headless Jack' watercolour painting
'Headless Jack' growing in Sherwood Forest