
Sunday 27 December 2015

'Brumaris' Small Pen and Ink/ pencil drawing

Here's a little sketch created over the holidays..just to keep my hand in.. ( I never can stay away from my pencils and paper for long!) I've named this character 'Brumaris' which in latin is linked to Winter Solstice. It seemed apprpriate, as I sketched him into being over the 21st and 22nd December..
'Brumaris' Pen and Ink drawing with coloured pencil G.M.R 2015

Monday 21 December 2015

Two Images for Winter Solstice

'Solstice Angel' G.M.R 2015
Today, December 21st (2015) is a day of hope. Shortest day of the year brings with it the promise of lengthening days, the return of Spring, and warmer temperatures..for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere. A day to celebrate indeed! Even more so when, as I did this morning, you awaken to the solstice sunshine streaming through your window, casting beautiful shadows and beckoning you outside.
  So I grabbed my camera and went out to capture what I could of that elusive magic..
Earlier in the week I had been working on a small drawing which I've named 'Solstice Angel'..
  So here are two images representative of my personal Solstice experience in the shire counties of England. I was at home in NOTTINGHAMSHIRE when I made my little drawing, and staying with family in LINCOLNSHIRE when I took this mornings photograph.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Pen and Ink Practice

Yesterday and today I worked on this small pen and ink drawing as a way of practising a slightly looser ( and quicker!) style of drawing than my usual very fine, controlled way of working.
   It was interesting ( although it came as no surprise) to see the extent to which I had to really concentrate hard on NOT making it too neat and tidy! The desire to make it neat was quite this small practice piece is one of the most difficult challenges I've had for a long time!
G.M.R 2015
The drawing was created using pen and ink on watercolour paper, with added coloured pencil.

Monday 7 December 2015

Pyro-Art Piece: 'Enchantment'

'Enchantment' Pyrography on Applewood G.M.R 2015
Here I work on the background..
Here you can see pictures showing the gradual progress of my latest piece, through to completion.
  The Applewood slice measures 6.5cm. I have also inscribed the reverse with a short verse, which reads :
                    'This sacred night, earth breathes the breath of enchantment...and the spangled heavens rejoice with delight'...
  As usual, I began with a whisper of an idea..pencilled in a very loose sketch..and let the images develop from there..followed by the words..


Sunday 29 November 2015

Completed drawing 'Elens Wood'

Well here is my little drawing, completed today. 'Elens Wood' is the latest of several different representations I've made of 'Elen of the Ways', an ancient British goddess associated with the old trackways, and with reindeer, amongst other things. I'll be putting together a little more information about Elen for a future post, along with the different images I've made of her over the last few years.
   This little drawing was created using coloured pencils on bristol board.
'Elens Wood' G.M.R 2015

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Small Illustration 'Elens Wood ' Work in Progress

A few days ago I made a start on this little drawing..progress is fairly slow, as I'm working on it alongside my pyrography work, but it makes for a very pleasant change in between.
I still have a fair way to go with the background..

Pyrographed Jewellery Selection

I'm busy with a variety of projects at the moment..all involving drawing of course. I'm making all kinds of jewellery pieces like the selection shown here. These birchwood shapes will be made into brooches and pendants for sale in my Etsy shop houseofthegreenlady.
  In between jewellery making, I have a small illustration on the go, which gives me the chance to use a bit of coming up in my next post..
Jewellery selection G.M.R 2015

Saturday 14 November 2015

'Kodama' (Tree Spirit) Pen and Ink Design

In Japanese folklore there is belief in tree spirits sometimes known as 'Kodama'.
  For me, sometimes, the sound of a particular word may spark ideas, images and feelings. So it is with this word 'Kodama' which has shaped itself into the image shown here.
 I used textured pastel paper with a light stone grey tone, and lightly sketched the main image, then worked freehand with my fine black technical pen. Colour was added using coloured pencils.
'Kodama' G.M.R 2015

Detail from 'Kodama'
Detail from 'Kodama'

Birds in my Autumn Garden

One of the pleasures of my art sudio is that it overlooks my little back garden, so as I sit by the window drawing ( or thinking about it) I can gaze out at the jumble of back yards and watch the weather, trees, cats and birds coming and going, and capture a few images with my camera. Some of these little birds will make good models for future drawings..
This is a useful back view of the female blackbird, showing folded wings, and tale feathers.

Pyracantha berries are very attractive to many birds

Female blackbirds have speckled breasts

This Blue Tit was attracted by honeysuckle berries

Thursday 29 October 2015

A House move and a new Studio!


One of my greatest joys since arriving in my new home has been setting up my new studio space in the tiny second bedroom, overlooking the garden..
  The light is very good, so the room is bright, and very cosy. I have arranged my small desk to sit by the window, where I can while away my time gazing out at the vista of back gardens, chimneys and alleyways..and become absorbed watching the cats slink along the tops of walls, the many magpies flying between rooftops, calling to one another, and birds gathering at bird feeders in neighbouring gardens...
  I have arranged some of my best loved books in a small bookcase, but need more shelving. I've unpacked my pencils, paper and paints. My pyrography machine is set up and I have wood. All I have to do now is await the muse. I confidently anticipate magical times ahead..

              Welcome to my Studio!
              This space where new ideas may grow
              And shape themselves with heart and mind
              Until with gladness we may find..
              A piece of wood transformed in Art
              And pictures from The Lotus Heart..


My little desk
I love the orange walls of my new studio!

A house move..and a new Garden!

Three weeks ago I moved from Derbyshire back to Nottingham, where I used to live ( in fact, my new home is yards away from the house I lived in before moving to Derbyshire!)
 The home in question is a small Victorian terrace situated in inner-city Nottingham, among hundreds of similar properties..yet I adore these red brick terraces set in rows with tiny alleyways leading between houses and brick backyards - they have a great deal of charm and beauty. In thundery weather the light causes rooftops and chimneys to glow vividly against the dark skies, and in wet weather the streets shine...
   My garden space is small, yet promising. Walled all round and paved with flagstones, but with a
beautiful Eucalyptus tree growing at the end of the garden, bewtween mine and the garden opposite, and a large fig tree two gardens along. I have a small raised bed planted with flowers and a stone wall. And trellis covered with Ivy, Jasmine , Honeysuckle and PYRACANTHA! Yes, my joy knew no bounds when I discovered Pyracantha growing in my own garden, as well as trailing through from next door! In time I hope to lift some of the paving slabs and gradually plant more flower beds..
  I'll be training and pruning the Pyracantha, which is quite a large specimen in time I may be able to use a little of it in my work..
These Pyracantha berries brighten my garden and attract the birds..

I love the chimney tops of Forest Fields!
This Eaucalyptus sways and rustles in the breeze..

Saturday 24 October 2015

Applewood Decorative art Piece : 'Autumn Dance'

Finally I shade the Stag and add his features..he is now complete.
GMR 2015
I add subtle shading to the foliage, tree and foreground.

Background completed
I begin the process of burning the background, leaving the animal figure, background foliage and stars bare, to stand out in relief
Having sanded the wood to a fine smooth finish, I set my vertical line, then lightly pencil out my design.
Here is the first Pyro-art Piece created in my new home in Nottingham, following my recent move from Derbyshire.
  The Applewood slice measures 7.5 cm and features a stag in the moonlit forest as the leaves begin to fall...
   These pictures show the creation of the piece as I move through different stages..

Thursday 24 September 2015

Pen and Ink Miniature 'Ritual'

Pen and Ink with gouache 'Ritual' GMR 2015
This tiny painting measures just 7.5 cm, and was created using pen and ink and gouache on top of a watercolour wash, on watercolour paper. The mythical landscape mirrors the inner landscape through which we wander as we undertake our rituals and rites..

Thursday 3 September 2015

Birchwood Miniature 'Wanderers'

This little birchwood square measures just five centimetres. The design covers both sides and edges, with the main image of the boat upon the sea one side, and a small verse on the reverse. The verse reads : North, South, East, West, we sail in search of home and rest..'

'Wanderers' GMR 2015
'North, South, East, West, we sail in search of home and rest'


Thursday 27 August 2015

Small Watercolour design 'Three Bees'

Heres a small watercolour painting measuring just 8.5 cm.
   I began with a compass, and lighly pencilled out the overall design of lozenge and triangular shapes, and used this as the basis for the flower, leaf and bee elements, which were painted in gradually using watrcolours, and outlined for definition using an extremely fine brush.
'Three Bees' GMR 2015