
Sunday 27 December 2015

'Brumaris' Small Pen and Ink/ pencil drawing

Here's a little sketch created over the holidays..just to keep my hand in.. ( I never can stay away from my pencils and paper for long!) I've named this character 'Brumaris' which in latin is linked to Winter Solstice. It seemed apprpriate, as I sketched him into being over the 21st and 22nd December..
'Brumaris' Pen and Ink drawing with coloured pencil G.M.R 2015

Monday 21 December 2015

Two Images for Winter Solstice

'Solstice Angel' G.M.R 2015
Today, December 21st (2015) is a day of hope. Shortest day of the year brings with it the promise of lengthening days, the return of Spring, and warmer temperatures..for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere. A day to celebrate indeed! Even more so when, as I did this morning, you awaken to the solstice sunshine streaming through your window, casting beautiful shadows and beckoning you outside.
  So I grabbed my camera and went out to capture what I could of that elusive magic..
Earlier in the week I had been working on a small drawing which I've named 'Solstice Angel'..
  So here are two images representative of my personal Solstice experience in the shire counties of England. I was at home in NOTTINGHAMSHIRE when I made my little drawing, and staying with family in LINCOLNSHIRE when I took this mornings photograph.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Pen and Ink Practice

Yesterday and today I worked on this small pen and ink drawing as a way of practising a slightly looser ( and quicker!) style of drawing than my usual very fine, controlled way of working.
   It was interesting ( although it came as no surprise) to see the extent to which I had to really concentrate hard on NOT making it too neat and tidy! The desire to make it neat was quite this small practice piece is one of the most difficult challenges I've had for a long time!
G.M.R 2015
The drawing was created using pen and ink on watercolour paper, with added coloured pencil.

Monday 7 December 2015

Pyro-Art Piece: 'Enchantment'

'Enchantment' Pyrography on Applewood G.M.R 2015
Here I work on the background..
Here you can see pictures showing the gradual progress of my latest piece, through to completion.
  The Applewood slice measures 6.5cm. I have also inscribed the reverse with a short verse, which reads :
                    'This sacred night, earth breathes the breath of enchantment...and the spangled heavens rejoice with delight'...
  As usual, I began with a whisper of an idea..pencilled in a very loose sketch..and let the images develop from there..followed by the words..