
Sunday 28 June 2015

'I see the moon' Pyrography on Sycamore

Here is a small Sycamore tile measuring 8 x 6 cm..which I have used for my 'Jackalope' design.
  The fabled Jackalope is a creature from North American legend - a rabbit with antlers. It remains unclear whether or not this creature ever actually existed - some say it is extinct, others that it can occasionally still be seen in Wyoming. Whether or not it exists in reality..I find it an attractive image to use in my artwork..
  The reverse side carries the following text: 'I see the moon and the moom sees me.'
My Jackalope design is pictured here surrounded by flowers picked from an English summer meadow - Buttertcups, Yellow Rattle, Ox-Eye Daisy, Thistle and Meadowsweet..

Thursday 25 June 2015

Totem Bear on Hazel (jewellery design)

I recently aquired four nicely shaped pieces of hazel wood, just the right size for making pendants or brooches. Hazel is one of my favourite woods - very light coloured, smooth and almost 'creamy', which is great for contast in the design.
  Here is the first piece which I have used to create a Totem Bear design. Whoever purchases the piece will be able to choose whether to have it made up as a brooch or a pendant.
This Hazelwood piece measures 5.5 x 4.5 cm
I have kept the bark in place

Saturday 20 June 2015

Tashi Owl and the Pool of Meditation

Within ten minutes of  completing 'Tashi Owl' I found a magical Owl feather in the woods!
Tashi appears to be meditating upon Sacred Geometry
The white dots stand proud
This is my second Tashi Owl picture..and pretty similar to the previous one, which was sold as a miniature. I became quite fond of Tashi when I was drawing him the first time decided he was worth repeating..just on a slighly larger scale. This version is about twice the size of the first..although still only measuring 14 x 9.5 cm and extremely detailed. It was created using ink, gouache and watercolour. I'm going to keep this one as part of my personal collection, but may have some prints made to sell in my Etsy shop. It has taken me just under a week to create, and I finished it this afternoon ( June 20th 2015 New Years Eve) having worked on it most of the day. So having added the last dot, I headed straight for the hills and woods behind my house for some fresh air and relaxation...well, that midsummer magic must have been in the air, for what did I find beneath my favourite Beech tree.? An
Detail showing the 'Pool of Meditation' for which I used irridescant turqoise ink
 owl feather of course! Tashi Owl must have been preening himself up there in my favourite tree..and left a little treasure for me to find!  

Friday 12 June 2015

Pen and Ink Miniature 'The Meditation of Tashi Owl ( in the Forest of Dreams)'

Third in the 'Forest of Dreams' series,
Tashi Owl seated in meditation upon the Bridge Bough


the painting measures 6.5 x 10cm
like the others, this little painting measuring 6.5 x 10cm is a mix of watercolour, pen and ink and gouache. There is text to accompany the picture, but I am not yet publishing this.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Pyracantha Pyro-Art Piece 'Spirit of the Forest of Dreams'

As I continue to explore 'The forest of Dreams' in my imagination, I have re-visited the Totem Tree which was the subject of a previous pen and ink illustration ( see the post for 4th June 2015) and decided to inscribe this nicely shaped piece of Pyracantha with the Totem Tree Spirit. The piece measures around 11cm in height, with a base of about 4 x 5 cm. The entire piece is pyrographed with the design continuing across the top, and under the base. The wording reads 'I am the Spirit, Light and Life of the Forest...I am the breathof the world.'
Totem Tree Spirit on Pyracantha

The piece measures 11 x 5cm

Add caption

'I am the Spirit, Light and Life of the Forest..I am the breath of the world'

Sunday 7 June 2015

Pen and Ink Miniature 'Fox Linden and the Ringing Bluestones'

Fox Linden is entranced by the song of The Ringing Bluestones

This tiny painting measures just 6.5 x 10cm
This little painting is the latest in my series of illustrations from The Forest of  Dreams.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Pen and Ink Miniature 'Hare meets the Spirit of the Forest'

This little painting is the first in a new series of illustrations from 'The Forest of Dreams', an enchanted forest realm I have conjured from my imagination. The painting measures just 6.5 x 10cm and is painted on watercolour paper..a mixture of watercolours, pen and ink and gouche. Along with each illustration I am writing a small piece of text, which may be a mini story, poem or descriptive passage. It is my hope to eventually put verse and illustration together in book form..

Hare receives the blessings of the Spirit of the Forest

Monday 1 June 2015

Applewood Pyro-art Piece 'Here I Stand'

This is a small branch from an apple tree, sliced at an angle, then sanded to provide a smooth
There appears to be a 'secret tunnel' between these two sections!
Tawny Owl
flat area for the design across the face and also at either end. The piece measures 15 x 5 cm.
  The design is a wide spreading tree, with branches reaching to either end, enhancing the '3d' effect. I love the idea of being able to in a sense, 'expand space' by creating a scene which one enters into through the imagination - here is a world within a small piece of wood, in which stands an ancient tree, within an ancient landscape, populated by several birds -corvids of course! At one end a tawny owl in flight.
  The title is a shortened version of words which arose in my mind whilst working on this piece -'Here I stand in the sacred night, behold now a myriad stars in the heavens above..this is Space'